
At Isaac Cycle we find your opinion about our products very. Thanks to your opinion we can pursue our promise and continuously improve ourselves. Also, you’ll help other bicycle enthusiasts on the basis of your opinion. That is why we offer you the opportunity to leave a review on our product pages. We appreciate it if you leave a review after receiving a new Isaac product. Below are some tips and advice for drawing up a review.

Advices product reviews
Write at least twenty words.
Support your opinion with facts.
Write understandable language.
Explain how and in what circumstances you use the product.
In addition to the positive elements, give tips for improvement.

When do we not post a review?
Use of gross and hurtful language.
Incomplete content without relevance or too short text.
Writing in capital letters or use of other distracting punctuation marks.
Indication of contact details such as telephone numbers, addresses or URLs.
Placing temporary information, such as prices and current events.
The naming of other (web) stores.
Spreading other advertising or spam.
Not based on facts.
Wrong product.

Please note that reviews on our website reflect the opinions of our customers who (recently) purchased the product. This means that we, as Isaac Cycle, give no guarantees on the completeness, correctness and reliability of the review. The reviews were written on the basis of statements and opinions of the author in question and not from Isaac Cycle itself.